Saturday, April 10, 2010

spring garlic

spring garlic is the same as regular garlic, just picked young. it's not as papery as regular garlic, and it's a little milder.

this recipe was amazing ( super extra yummy yums. it's the simplest thing, but the technique made the dish way more than the individual ingredients. the basic idea was to cook the eggs and spring garlic really slowly with lots of fat. it came out as a soft melty cloud gently permeated with garlic, on top of contrastingy crunchy toasty bread.

that said, i don't thnk i'm going to be a spring garlic fan. if i ever see really young-looking ones, i'd try that to see if it helps, but the particular bunch i got (or maybe all spring garlic, i don't know) was too chewy to use in any way but cooked, and if you're going to cook it, why not just buy regular garlic? oh, it feels horrible writing that. i've been nice about everything so far, and this wasn't bad. it just wasn't that special.

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