Thursday, February 4, 2010

black radish

black radishes are one of my food goals for this project. i've been seeing them a lot in fancy food articles. don't think these are the same as the gigantic european ones they mention in the articles, but they were close enough to try.
in a word, they're woody. too firm for the salad i tried them in raw (see next post). and not as flavorful as an everyday radish.

they were really interesting cooked, though. tried just the radish part from this recipe: it brought out a cabbage flavor in the radishes. kind of like chewy warm coleslaw in a sticky sweet sauce. i don't even know how to describe it. different, but not bad. i kept eating pieces trying to come up with a description. it was a little like that sweet broccoli salad with bacon and raisins they have (had?) at souplantation.

black radish confit:

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